PT Decal PT7201: French AF
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particular sheet could easily be called 'French Twins of Late WWII' as all the
subjects are from that period and even into the 1950s.
There is a C-47, C-60, four Ju-88s and four B-26s in amongst the various options. Now I've covered the Ju-88s in sheet 3201 and the C-47 in sheet 4801 so I'll refer you to those sheets as to not be repetitive.
C-60 was the personal aircraft of General DeGaulle in 1944. Nothing fancy on
this one as the plane s in standard OD over Neutral Grey. For a kit, look no
further than MPM/Special Hobby for a nice one.
The other four options on the sheet are all B-26s of various subtypes. The oldest is a B-26B 'Sniffles' from CIB-26, a training unit in Algeria during 1944. This plane is in OD and Neutral Grey with a large tricolor rudder.
Next oldest is a B-26C from GBM 1/19 in Italy during 1945. This is unpainted metal with the US insignia overpainted.
A B-26G-5 names 'Chablis' is the next option. This one is also unpainted metal with the French roundel simply placed over the US star on the fuselage.
The final option is a B-25G-25 with GBM 1/22 in May of 1945. The upper surface of the aircraft is in Olive Drab with the rest of the aircraft in unpainted metal. The US insignia was completely removed from this one.
So there you have it, ten different markings options, all of them interesting. There are several B-26 kits to be used for this one though most will choose Hasegawa for the later aircraft. For the Ju-88, again it is Hasegawa for most though Zvezda does a very nice one and there is always AMT and Italeri for those who have them already in the stash. Both Italeri and ESCI have very good C-47s with Airfix also doing one.
The large sheet is superbly printed with the markings crisp, clear and in register. A superb choice of options for those who want something different.
Thanks to for the review sheet. You can get yours at your favorite shop.
March 2010
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