It's the Weather
OK, fans, here is a chance to build something other than Mustangs, Spitfires and 109s. All you have to do is build a kit that has a name that is tied in with weather phenomena. It doesn't have to be an aircraft as there are cars and ships so named, for example, and I'm sure there is a piece of military equipment or two out there that would fill the bill. Name doesn't have to be in English, but does have to translate into some sort of metrological event.
Roll Models has offered to help sponsor this contest
Models Magazine has offered a couple of subscriptions and a choice of
any book from their catalogue
Pete L'Heureaux is donating a nice Pegasus 1/72 kit.
JP Myers has offered a nice aviation print.
Sponsors are needed for this contest, please contact me.
Follow this link to the general rules (updated 20 Feb 2003):
Specific information:
No entries will be accepted until 16 October 2003
Closing date for entries is 15 December 2003
Do not vote until you see an announcement in What's New
To be eligible for this contest, the subject must have a name that ties into the title of the contest. Just for some examples: Opel Blitz (Lightning), P-47 Thunderbolt, N1K2-J Shiden (Violet Lightning). Meteor and Gekko (Moonlight) are not weather-related so not eligible. If in doubt, post an inquiry on the Forum.
There is no scale requirement, though if there are enough prizes, I'll break it down into 1/50 and larger and 1/51 and smaller categories.
The only 'Kamikaze' that will be allowed is the Mitsubishi aircraft of that name or, if a ship was so named, that will be allowed as well. No bomb laden Zeros or pilot figures.