British Military
Sponsors are needed for this contest, please contact me.
Roll Models has offered to help sponsor this contest
Thomas Braden has offered the new Revell 1/72 Hawker Hunter when it is released in May of 2005.
Displays has offered their
super display base.
Follow this link to the general rules. Failure to abide by these will result in removal from the contest so make sure you read them.
Specific information:
Closing date for entries is 31 December 2004 (Dates are subject to change).
Do not vote until you see an announcement in What's New .
This is open to RAF/RN/RA aircraft that were in service (no prototypes) during the period 1950-1975 (inclusive). This also includes the Auxiliary Air Force and Reserves.
There is no scale requirement. Entries will be divided into categories if enough awards are provided.
Entries must be historically accurate and in period markings (i.e. you can't do a Phantom II in the Greys camouflage).
It is up to the entrant to be able to provide proof that the aircraft entered fits into the category if challenged.
If you have any questions, post them on the -Forums-.
As with all other contests, if there are doubts and no one can answer your questions, I'll include it, but if I get any e-mails that show it is ineligible, I'll pull it. I will not pull a model after judging has started.
There will be no Display Section.
Awards are fully dependent on what is received. If you wish to help with providing awards, contact me.