Modern USMC
If you'd like to help sponsor
this contest, please
contact me.
Roll Models has offered
to help sponsor this contest
Ryan Koschatzky has offered a $30 Visa card.
Flying Leatherneck Decals offers sheet
VMFA-121 2007 tour
Follow this link to the general rules. Failure to abide by these will result in removal from the contest so make sure you read them.
Specific information:
Entries will be accepted on or about 1 March 2008 (Dates are subject to change).
Do not vote until you see an announcement in What's New which will be around 1 May 2008
Here is the deal on this one. It is for any US Marine Corps subject from 1980 until the present.
It can be a tank, plane, figure, etc. but has to be identifiable as being USMC.
Be sure to comply with the general rules.
If you have any questions, post them on the -Forums-.
As with all other contests, if there are doubts and no one can answer your questions, I'll include it, but if I get any e-mails that show it is ineligible, I'll pull it. I will not pull a model after judging has started.
There will be no Display Section.
Awards are fully dependent on what is received. If you wish to help with providing awards, contact me.