
X-Planes Photo Scrapbook


Dennis Jenkins


Specialty Press


$24.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 144 pages, 9 x 9 inches, softbound
ISBN: 1-58007-076-0

If you have read any of the others in the 'Scrapbook' series, then you'll know how superb these books are. In fact, when this one arrived at the door, I put down the other books I'd been reading and started in on this one. The author, Dennis Jenkins, has co-authored two other excellent books in this series; the X-15 and B-36 scrapbooks, so you know right away that you are in for the best that there is.

The book provides enough historical background information so that you get the flavor of each of the various projects that are covered. In order to make things a bit more compact, the author has divided the sections according to the main area of research for which the aircraft were (or were to be) built. Those sections are:

There is also a section with group portraits, and a very interesting bit on high speed sleds. All the 500+ photographs are crystal clear and carefully chosen for this edition.

Once again Specialty Press has produced an excellent book that I have to give my highest recommendation. Don't just think about getting this book, buy it. You'll be very glad that you did.

Review book courtesy of , where you can order your copy of this and many other superb aviation and modeling books. Call 1-800-895-4585 for phone in orders.

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