KIT: |
Hasegawa 1/72 Fw-190F-9 'Panzerblitz 1' |
KIT # |
51362 |
$23.98 |
Several Aircraft |
Includes metal parts |
The Fw-190F series was basically the idea of taking a standard A model fighter and turning it into a ground attack aircraft. This was generally accomplished by removing the outer wing guns and adding bomb racks or other weapons racks in their place. Often times the armor protection was increased as well to protect the aircraft against ground fire.
The Fw-190F-9 was build side by side with the Fw-190A-9 and shared in all of its improvements. Basically that consisted of a BMW 801 TS radial engine with a larger VDM wooden propeller blade. The engine cooling fan was also changed out with a 14 blade fan replacing the 12 bladed version of the F-8. Those aircraft coming off production lines in January 1945 were also fitted with the larger 'blown' canopy. At this time a modified bomb rack was installed that allowed heavier bombs to be carried.
During the latter part of 1944, air to ground rockets called 'Panzerblitz 1' were developed. The mounting of these were finalized at 8 per wing and replaced the outer bomb racks. The Panzerblitz 1 was in fact the mating of an R4M rocket with the 80mm mortar grenade. Though devastating against soft targets, they were only able to penetrate about 3 1/2 inches of armor. Some of this problem was overcome by firing the missiles off in pairs, but a larger weapon was needed and later developed. Those Fw-190F-9s carrying the Panzerblitz rocket were designated Fw-190F-9/Pb1 and served on all of the shrinking fronts until the end of the war.
One thing about Hasegawa is that they get a lot of mileage out of a kit. By
making a corporate decision to do their new mold Fw-190A as a later variant,
they ensured that they would be able to do a lot of different kits, only needing
to add a part or two and a new decal sheet to have a new kit.
This particular boxing is basically your Fw-190A-8 kit with the ground attack sprue, blown canopy, and two small white metal parts. First is the new prop and fan introduced in the Fw-190A-9/F-9 kit. The other small bag contains metal under wing racks and teeny little panzerblitz rockets. Naturally, the instructions go into what it needed to convert the A-8 kit into this particular variant. If you wanted to make an A-8 panzerblitz version, all you need to do is use the plastic props and fan and find an unblown canopy somewhere.
The kit instructions are fine as
one expects from Hasegawa. The decal sheet is rather generic in its design. I
guess they couldn't find any specific 190F-9/Pb1 photos to base the sheet on so
give you a wide variety of choices from an 'unknown' unit. Smart modelers will
paint the yellow nose stripe and getting that decal to fit over the lumps and
bumps of the cowling will be a real feat. I'd also recommend checking out the
aftermarket decal situation for a suitable 190F-9. I'm sure that the panzerblitz
racks were relatively easily removed and put on whatever plane needed them at
the time.
As always with a Hasegawa kit, I can be recommended to those who have a penchant for the type. Construction should be as easy as the Fw-190A-7 built just a while back.
Close-up #8: Fw-190F, Monogram Publications, 1986
Review kit courtesy of my kit collection.
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