Fujimi 1/72 RF-4E Phantom II

KIT #: 7AG16
PRICE: $10.00 'used'
DECALS: Several options
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: 1986 release


Since WWII, it was common for the services to produce recce versions of their most current fighter. When the F-4 was developed, a recce version was also envisioned. So successful was the type that when the F-4E came around, the RF-4E was also built, though this time for foreign nations as the US already had sufficient RF-4B/C versions for their needs. Most if not all foreign F-4 operators also operated the RF-4 version. These planes were all new builds so had a fairly long life.


The first really well done F-4s in 1/72 were the Monogram versions of the C/D and J. Sure, Revell, Hasegawa and Frog, among others, had done Phantoms in this scale, but they were lacking in detail and many of them had shape issues. Not unbuildable, but not that well done either. The Fujimi series was the first semi-modern, engraved panel line series and while later overtaken by kits from Hasegawa and Fine Molds, when they arrived on the scene in 1984 were most welcomed by modelers. I know that I built at least ten of the various boxings of this kit and it still makes into a very nice model.

Let us look at some of the positives and not so positives about the kit. First thing one builds is the interior. This is fairly basic as 1/72 jets goes and relies on decals for both the main instrument panels and the side consoles. No raised detail as on the Monogram kits. The seats are generic MB Mk.4 shapes with no real detail. The interior fits atop the lower forward fuselage section that includes the nose gear well. This is then trapped between the two fuselage halves. This is one of the later releases with a proper bulkhead behind the pilot and WSO. Like all Fujimi F-4 kits, the instrument panes sit way too far forward and are practically invisible once the kit is built. This kit provides a proper lower fuselage/lower wing that is devoid of the Sparrow bays of the fighter variant.

With the halves together the intakes, which have no real trunking, are installed. Wings are next. These are the hard wings before the additional maneuvering slats were installed. Recce F-4s do not need these items or slotted tailplanes as speed is their most important requirement. Unlike the earlier boxings, this one comes with separate windscreen/canopies.

The wings will need holes opened for the fuel tanks and pylons. Landing gear is well done. For the main gear, the builder will need to cut apart the separate doors. The kit provides wing fuel tanks as well as the proper USAF style pylons. Sidewinders. Sparrows are also included though that are not used. 

Instructions in my kit are in Japanese and English, the well done drawings are a good building guide. Especially if you have built a lot of these. Colors have Gunze paint numbers. The sheet provides options for three aircraft in the splinter scheme from AKG 51 and one in an experimental scheme with AKG 52. You are provided sufficient serial numbers for just about any Luftwaffe RF-4E.  The decals are past their 'use by' date, but may still be viable despite some yellowing. I'd also test a marking not used to ensure they are still good. Fortunately there is no problem finding aftermarket sheets for this if you wish to go that route. 


If you want a fairly quick build and don't have a ton of money to spend, I can recommend looking for one of these Fujimi kits either at a show or various on-line auctions as those people on e-bay are asking ridiculous prices for the kit. I managed to pick up this kit and several others for $10 each in an auction.

March 2025

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