Azur/FRROM 1/72 Potez 25 Renault 12 Kg
KIT #: |
FR0053 |
$ |
Three options |
Scott Van Aken |
Short run with p.e. |

Potez 25 (also written as Potez XXV) was
a French twin-seat, single-engine biplane designed during the 1920s. A
multi-purpose fighter-bomber, it was designed as a line aircraft and
used in a variety of roles, including fighter and escort
missions, tactical bombing and reconnaissance missions. In the late
1920s and early 1930s, Potez 25 was the standard multi-purpose aircraft
of over 20 air forces, including French, Polish and American. It was
also popular among private operators, notably mail transport companies.
2,500 aircraft were built in France with license production taking place
in Yugoslavia, Poland and Romania as well as other countries.. The
popularity of the type was in part due to the airframe being able to be
adapted to a variety of engines. This particular kit provides the option
to build a Renault powered aircraft. 261 with the 12 Kg were built with
most, if not all of these variants being used by the French. Many were
later converted to dual control and used as trainers.
kits are all made by the MPM/Special Hobby group. This one is typical with
the molding in a light grey plastic. As the base sprues are used for other
variants, you'll fine several parts not used in this boxing, which is for
the Renault powered aircraft. Typical of these sorts of kits, you will need
to drill some holes and fill
a bit
to properly portray this variant. The instructions show you exactly where
this needs to be done so it would be wise to actually read through it before
starting. The photo etch fret is fairly extensive. It consists of the wire
wheels, control actuators and rigging attachment points.
Construction starts logically with the interior and is quite complete with
both the pilot and observer/gunner's positions. In addition to the rear gun
(which is on a Scarff ring and installed near the end), you are provided
with a camera. Fuselage is in left and right halves with a separate bottom.
The forward fuselage is also separate to deal with the different engines.
Two cowling options are provided depending on the markings option you
choose. Attaching the upper cowling pieces traps a set of cabane struts. Lower wings
are a single piece and while the 'hills and valleys' may be a bit much for
some, this can be sanded or even filled in if you wish.
Once the nose is attached, then comes the upper wing. Some of these planes
had fuel tanks attached and the instructions guide you through that. All the
other struts are single pieces so some sort of jig would probably be useful.
Next the tailplanes are attached and the landing gear made up. Not all
options use wire wheels so you need to know which set of markings you'll be
using fairly early. If you do pick the wire wheels, you'll need to replace
the axle stubs with something thinner.
One of the final steps is rigging. The kit provides wire attachment areas in
the p.e. set. You are also provided a complete rigging diagram. After that,
one attaches the bomb
racks and bombs if you are using those as well as the gun and the proper
propeller depending on the markings option chosen.
Instructions are excellent and in color. It provides Gunze paint references.
All three markings options are for various French units and are painted
pretty much the same way. One has a white fin and that is about it for
differences (other than unit badges and numbers). The large decal sheet is very
nicely done. I've darkened it a bit so you can see the white bits.
It is great seeing interwar planes being kitted.
Especially this one as it was used so widely in the late 1920s and the 1930s.
Azur/FRROM has produced several boxings, each with different engines and this
one adds to that growing list.
May 2024
Copyright Modeling All rights reserved. No reproduction in
part or in whole without express permission from the editor.
My thanks to Azur/FRROM
for the review kit. Get yours today at your local
retailer or ask them to order it in for you.
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