KIT: | Hasegawa 1/72 AV-8B Harrier II |
KIT # | 0449 (D-19) |
PRICE: | $10.98 |
DECALS: | Two aircraft |
REVIEW & | |
Still the world's only large scale production VTOL aircraft, theAV-8B Harrier is a major rework of the earlier AV-8A variant. Spurred by a USMCrequirement for larger payload capabilities, the AV-8B was developed byMcDonnell Douglas and after a rather protracted gestation period entered Marineservice in the mid 1980s. The major differences between it and the earlier AV-8Aare a larger wing of supercritical design and a different nose section, allowingthe pilot a greater field of vision.
The increases wing size provides for more hardpoints, allowingthe AV-8B to carry a greater array of ordnance than the earlier Harrier. Theaircraft also has a more powerful engine and is a bit longer as well, enablingthe plane to carry more fuel for greater range. Getting all of this together andstaying within the required weight limitations was no mean feat. Development ofthe aircraft took a bit longer than one would have expected in order to makesure that all requirements were met. The RAF Harrier GR.5 is a very similaraircraft. The AV-8B has been developed into even more improved versions, most ofwhich can be spotted by the different noses on the aircraft. The same can besaid of the RAF Harrier GR.7 and GR.9.
More than 15 years after being put into squadron service, Hasegawa finally cameout with a 1/72 scale kit of the AV-8B. Why there was such a delay in producingthis kit is a real mystery to most modelers. Sure, Italeri produced one duringthe prototype stages, but it was not a full production version. Well, the waitis finally over and 1/72 modelers have a -8B that was well worth the wait.
The instructions are all that one expects fromHasegawa, giving Gunze and FS paint references as needed. Two aircraft are onthe very nicely printed decal sheet. Both are in three tone grey schemes withone from VMA-542 and the other from VMA-223. With such a nice kit finally out,it surely won't be long before there are a number of aftermarket sheetsavailable.
It really looks like a super kit and one that willundoubtedly sell very well.
Review kit courtesy of me and my wallet!
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