Italeri 1/72 Walls and Ruins II

KIT #: 6090
PRICE: $12.00 when new
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: 2007 release


One thing you can say about warfare is that it causes a lot of infrastructure destruction. This often turns villages, towns and cities into piles of broken buildings and rubble. Not good for inhabitants, but excellent cover for a defending army.


This is as much an accessory as it is a kit. There are two sprues of fairly solid plastic that allows the modeler to build several structures. Typical of Italeri, the sprues are not enclosed in a plastic bag so one does have to be concerned about parts coming loose and rattling around in the box. There are two building sections, two single corner pieces, two two corner pieces, and a large sandbag structure. The corner sections are brick or stone. You are also supplied with a number of separate sand bags so you could either scatter them about or use them to add to existing structures.

The assembly instructions, such as they are, are provided on the back of the box. A variety of earth tone paint references are given and while there are no specific painting instructions, one can use the box image to help in this step.


This is a very nice kit for those who need some bits and pieces for a diorama and don't want to deal with resin. The sections look to be easy to build and provide a number of possibilities for the builder.

November 2023

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