E-2046 1/6 Yamashita's Sapphire

KIT #: FG-8061
PRICE: $58.30 SRP
DECALS: eyes
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Resin kit from Ori collection

This is one of E-2046's custom ordered kits from their Ori series. The sculptor of this one is renowned craftsman Yamashita, who well known among anime figure enthusiasts. The subject is not part of any particular manga or anime series

At 1/6 scale, the completed figure will stand around 29 centimeters, which is a bit under a foot in height. Typical of E-2046, the molding is first rate. There are no molding errors at all and all the major pieces have had the mold seams already removed. The parts are all very positively keyed so once the small pour stub remnants are removed, it quite easily slots together.

The figure includes a base as well as a small dragon. The cap on the top of the staff is molded in clear resin. Since many people have difficulty painting anime eyes (not really hard after you've done a few), decals are included for this feature.

The kit is not parts intensive and is superbly packaged. Not only are parts in their own compartmentalized bag, but many of them have been wrapped with bubblewrap prior to being encased in plastic. So good is their packaging, that I've only one time in hundreds of figures, ever gotten anything from this Hong Kong company with a broken part. That time it was a finger, which was easy to repair.

Instructions are basically an exploded view showing where the parts are attached and you are provided with two photographs to assist in painting.

December 2018

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