Following the success of the MiG-15, it was realized that in order
to keep pace with western aircraft, the type needed to be improved. Though
similar in layout to the MiG-15, the MiG-17 has a number of major
differences. The airframe is larger, the engine different in that all the
initial versions have an afterburner, the wings are a different shape, it
carried more fuel and so on.
The type was also developed into a good fighter-bomber, though
typical of Soviet designs, it wasn't able to carry much or it couldn't carry
it very far. Still, it was widely exported and there wasn't a Soviet client
state in the 1960s that did not have some of these on hand. They were easy
to fly, easy to maintain and were quite rugged. They also maneuvered quite
well and, as many American pilots found during the Vietnam War, in the hands
of a skilled pilot were a dangerous adversary even to much newer aircraft.
Thanks to their basic simplicity and ease of maintenance, they are
popular jet warbirds.
am uncertain of exactly when this first came out, but it was while
HobbyCraft was still going strong so I'm guessing about 20 years back. It is
quite typical of the Chinese-developed kits of the time with somewhat soft
engraved panel lines and recessed rivet detailing. This kit appears to be
free of any sort of major molding glitches, but actual building will tell
just how clean the molds actually are.
Taking a clue from their 1/32 MiG-15, this one is strongly based on
the engineering of the Tamiya 1/48 MiG-15. It has a fuselage split into front
and rear halves with a full engine. This will mean that the builder will need to
be rather inventive in terms of finding room in the nose for weight and it will
need quite a bit.
There is a full cockpit tub with raised detailing on the side
consoles and the instrument panel. No decals here. Rudder pedals are molded in
place and you are provided with a fairly nice bang seat and a pilot to fit into
it. If one isn't going to use the pilot, then I'd recommend hunting up a resin
seat with more detail and with belts. Even though not included with the kit, a
large cylindrical nose weight is shown. The lower forward fuselage insert
includes the nose gear well. Cannon are separate items that are scabbed on as
with most MiG-15/17 kits.
Wings are upper and lower halves with the
main wells molded in the bottom. There are separate ailerons, elevators and
rudder. The drawing that shows the wing assembly is quite confusing showing some
rather odd and apparently unused assembly that almost looks like horizontal
stabs, but have different part numbers than the ones shown later. Landing gear
are nicely once with separate wheels. The tires are made from rubber so it will
be easy to paint the wheels without masking. I should mention that the
instructions have to paint the gear wells and interior in 'interior green'. This
is pretty much incorrect as cockpits were generally a grey as were the wells.
As mentioned you get a full engine, which has to be built up to
some degree in order to have a proper exhaust. This also means a seam where the
rear fuselage section attaches. Those not wanting to show off an engine will
need to deal with this. It may be easier to glue the fron
and rear fuselage haves to each other, then trap the engine in place when
closing the fuselage. Again, it is just like the Tamiya MiG-15 kit. You are also
provided a dolly for holding the rear fuselage section.
Though you do not get the missiles and pylons, you do get the radar
nose and longer windscreen part for the MiG-17PF in the box.
Instructions are adequate to build the kit, but I'd think twice
about some of the color call outs. There are markings for four planes. Three are
in unpainted metal including the red tailed North Vietnamese plane shown on the
box art. Also are a Syrian plane from 1967 and an Angolan version with the 1978
markings scheme. Finally, in dark grey over light grey is a plane from Burkina
Faso in 1990. Since this is a 'black box' hobbycraft kit, the decals should be
very nice and still usable, even after all these years. For some reason, you are
provided with extra insignia for the last two options.