Ultracast 48240: Hamilton Standard  11'7" 3 blade prop


$16.95 CDN


Scott Van Aken


resin. S&h is $9.95 CDN  worldwide

This is the first of two prop sets from Ultracast. This set has two complete prop sets. These have the 23-E-50 hub with the 6353A-18 blades. These props were used on B-24s, C-47s, and DC-3s. The sets are superbly molded and one only has to remove the hubs from the mold blocks (a sharp knife will do it), and sand down the roots of the prop blades. Then simply slide them into the holes in the hubs. These are the thinner blades so one really needs a photo reference. For the B-24, a second set will need to be purchased.

March 2013

Review copy courtesy of the fine folks at Ultracast. Visit them at their website.

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