Reskit 1/72 Mirage IIIE Exhaust Nozzle

KIT #: RSU-72-022
PRICE: $10.50
DECALS: None Required
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Resin with a photo-etch part

When I purchased the Modelsvit 1/72 Mirage IIIE, I decided to get an aftermarket exhaust for it. This was the only one I could find for the kit and it was ordered along with the Modelsvit kit so it came in the same package.

The set is nicely molded and very straight forward. There are six parts to the set, five resin and the single p.e. part. This is standard resin casting where one will need to saw free the parts from a resin pour stub. One of these days, all resin aftermarket will be printed but doing so will require a lot of work to get things set up so it won't be happening any day soon.

The set comes with full instructions so once things are cleaned up and painted, construction wil lbe quite simple.

May 2024

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