Croco 1/72 Alouette III Tropical Filters

Croco has released an interesting set for the 1/72 AlouetteIII helicopter. This is a set of tropical filters for the engine intakes. These filters help keep dust and dirt out of the engine, thus prolonging engine life and preventing failures from ingestion. The set consists of two intakes and six other items to help make up the filter box itself.

The resin is very nicely cast and free from defects. The mold attachment points are quite small and should be very easy to clean up. The builder is going to have to know what the final item looks like as no instructions are included. However, from what I gather, the set basically offers three different styles of intake filters to fit over the 'trumpets. For kits, I am only aware of the one by Heller in this scale, though there may be others.

February 2019

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Thanks to Croco for the preview item. Contact them at for information and costs.

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