Wolfpak Decals 72-118: Shamal
$18.50 which includes US shipping. |
See Review |
Just in time for the US IPMS Nationals, another new sheet from Wolfpak
Decals. This one is another nice mix of subjects, most of them being fairly
current. There are seven different options on this sheet.
First up is a Rafale C from EC 2/30 as participated in Operation Chammal
in 2015 so has mission markings.
Next is an A-7E from one of the last two squadrons to operate the type. This VA-72 plane was a participant in Desert Storm in 1991 and carries a goodly mission tally.
From the same action is an EF-11A of the 42nd ECS that also has a nice set of mission markings.
Next is a civilian plane that is operated by ATAC. This L-39 was operated from NAS Pt. Mugu in 2018.
From 2017 is an F-16C of the 93rd FS, a reserve unit based at Homestead AFB.
Finally, a pair of C-130Js from 2016. One is an HC-130J from the the 67th RQS at Mildenhall while the other is an MC-130J of the 71st RQS based at Moody AFB. Though with the 23rd wing, these planes no longer carry the shark mouth.
I know I've said this before, but it is true. The instructions are the best in the business and you are provided with a list of kits and upgrade bits required. The decals are superbly printed by Fantasy Printshop.
Thanks to WolfPak Decals for the review sample and the image of all the options as their cover sheets are too long for my scanner. Visit them at their web site and pick up yours.
July 2018
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