Wolfpak Decals 72-114: Star Fighters
$18.50 which includes US shipping. |
See Review |
sheet offers the usual variety of aircraft and starts us off with a pair of
F-104ASA M aircraft of the 9th Stormo in 2004. These planes were manufactured
under license and optimized for air defense with more powerful J-79 engines.
Both options are in overall grey (FS 36495), so they will be easy to paint.
Second is an FJ-2 that has been relegated to the Reserves and is in the white and International orange scheme. This option is from 1960 and based at NAS Columbus.
A-10A is from the November 1984 time period. It was based at Suwon AB in South
Korea and is in the lizard/euro 1 camouflage scheme.
Next up are a pair of drones from the 178 RS, North Dakota ANG in 2017. Like many guard units, they traded in their jets for time in a trailer. Both an MQ-1 and MQ-9 are provided.
The overall aluminum lacquer B-26C was with SAC in 1950 and sports the starry sash markings of that organization.
Finally, a C-119C with the 28th BW based at Ellesworth AFB in 1955. I have to assume this was used to ferry parts and personnel as cargo planes are very handy, especially during deployments.
There are good kits for all of these options so finding one that works for you will not be an issue. Some of these will require upgrade sets and that information is provided. The decals are superbly printed by Fantasy Printshop and the instruction sheets are the best in the business..
Thanks to WolfPak Decals for the review sample and the image of all the options. Visit them at their web site and pick up yours.
April 2018
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