Techmod 48027: German Balkenkreuze
Units: See Review




Scott Van Aken

There are times when you are building a kit and whether due to age, damage or poor printing, the kit decals just are not up to par. I find this particularly the case with older Hasegawa kits where the whites are not white but a more off white shade. Recently, I built one of these kits and had to resort to scouring my decal sheets for replacement insignia. I found enough to finish the project, but realized I needed a new sheet.

This one by Techmod would fill the bill for a few future projects. It provides a variety of styles and sizes to take care of the changes from the beginning to the end of the war. One thing that all these sorts of sheets lack is a large number of these markings. For something like that, Techmod does produce sheets of just a single style. This would be quite useful if you are needing them for say, a lot of early war 109s.

I've used Techmod decals before and they are first rate.

October 2021

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