Superscale 48-619 for later IL-2s |
$6.00 |
See Review |
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I can't help
myself. When I see a decal sheet I don't have on sale, out comes the wallet and
yet another sheet is added to the collection. I tell you, collecting decal
sheets is just as insidious as collecting kits. It just doesn't take up as much
This particular sheet is for two seat IL-2s. Some call them IL-2-3m, but according to Soviet experts, there was no numerical differentiation between the single and twin seat IL-2.
All but one of these planes is in green and brown over light blue. No two planes were painted exactly alike so use the the drawings as a guide more than gospel.
The first on is in white and from an unidentified unit in Feb 1943.
Next is one flown by two time Hero of the Soviet Union, Ivan Pavlov with the 6th Guards regiment. Like many Soviet aircraft it has a patriotic slogan written on the fuselage. It also has the neat 'shaded' star and a large eagle on the tail
More mundane is yellow 30. This 683rd regiment plane has but a slogan on the fuselage.
Finally is white 66/17 of the 281st regiment. It has a nice red heart on the tail.
Any of these schemes will be a nice addition to your Accurate Miniatures IL-2.
Review copy courtesy of me and my wallet.
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