Superscale 48-270, 1/48 F-4J and A-6E
$6.00 retail
With Squadron selling off all of Superscale's overstock of decals and the likeliness of them not being reprinted, I have bought a bunch of them that may come in handy.
One of them is this sheet, which may be very useful for the Revell rerelease of the A-6E Intruder. While the sheet lists the unit as VA-196, it is in reality the Green Dragons of VA-95 in gull grey and white. It may also be an A-6A vice an A-6E as it has an early Bu/No. However, many older airframes were updated to A-6E standard. Check your photo references!
second aircraft on this sheet is the CAG bird from VF-213, flown by 'Tooter'
Teague. Is is rather colorful with the cag marks being little lions as on
the units patch. This one is also in gull grey and white and should fit
any of the fine F-4J kits on the market. I plan on using it on one of the
many Monogram F-4Js I have stashed away.
An oldie but goodie.