MYK Decals A48056: Ki-43-II (late)
PRICE: | 1300 yen |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
Over the
years, I have seen these decals offered for sale on a web site I frequent. They
seem to sell out quite quickly so I saw a set I liked and ordered it. This set
is for the dark green over aluminum scheme. They are all from late 1943 until
the end of the war.
Included in the seven options are:
204 Sentai
commander Major Aizawa Toroshiro based in Rangoon in February 1944
Two 248 Sentai aircraft based in Hollandia, New Guinea in May 1944
A 64 Sentai plane based at Mingaladon Burma in 1943
Next are two 71 Sentai planes based at Del Carmen in the Philippines during 1944
Finally a 17 operational training group plane at Miri in Malaya during 1945.
This fairly small sheet (145mm x 95mm) provides only the unique markings for these planes with the insignia and other markings having to come from the kit or another sheet.
These decals are different from standard waterslide or dry transfer. You cut out the marking not getting too close to the inked part. Dip it in water, place it on the model, pat it down and remove the covering sheet. Let it dry for a day then place a piece of tape over it to remove the decal carrier film. The inked part of the marking will stay in place.
This is a fairly unique way of placing decals and while not the same, is quite similar to some decals I used from Maintrack Models 20 or so years ago. The actual instructions on their use is in Japanese on the set, but MYK has it in English (sort of) on their web site.
I am looking forward to using these. There is no kit recommended, but most of us will use the 1/48 Hasegawa or Fine Molds offering for this sheet.
March 2019
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