Max Decals 7226; Irish Civil Classics Pt.1
Units: See review


16 Euros


Scott Van Aken


Hard to believe, but it has been 10 years since I've had the opportunity to review a set of Max Decals. Thankfully, they are back producing decals and they have chosen a very nice one with which to resume production.

This sheet covers three early Aer Lingus options from 1952, a time when many airlines were operating a mix of new and war surplus aircraft, with the DC-3/C-47 being one that was used by dozens of airlines.

First up is a Bristol  Freighter. This aircraft, as with the others on the sheet is in unpainted metal with a black nose anti-glare panel (provided as a decal) and the engine nacelles also in black to hide exhaust stains. This black was also continued on the upper wing area. For a kit, there is a nice one for a Bristol 170 freighter by Fly Models. If you have the Airfix kit, that is not the correct version and would require a lot of work to backdate it.

The next two are both Douglas products. The first is a DC-3 that uses the small passenger door. There is an Italeri kit that comes with this door and perhaps the new Airfix kit also has this feature. The other is a C-47 with the cargo door and really, most any 1/72 C-47 kit will be good for this scheme.

Instructions are well done and provide a lot of suggestion and information for each option. There are enough markings to do the Freighter and one of the two Douglas planes. This is a limited edition sheet and well worth getting, especially if you like airliners.

June 2024

Review sheet courtesy of Max Decals. To order yours, visit .

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