Sheet: |
Leading Edge 144-08: Canadian Civil DC-3/C-47s pt I |
Units: | See review |
Price |
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Reviewer: |
Note: | Sheet also available in 1/72 as 72-073 |
One can
always count on Leading Edge to come out with a superb decal sheet and this
one is no exception. It had me scrounging around in the kit dungeon for a
suitable kit as soon as I opened the packet! This is the first sheet
dealing with Canadian DC-3/C-47s in civil service. With the huge number of
bush operators using this aircraft, there will be no lack of possible
schemes. For the 1/144 kit, the only choice I know of is the Minicraft kit.
I should take this time to mention the outstanding instruction sheet. There are five aircraft from four operators. Each operator has its own specific set of instructions. Not only that, but a full history (as far as can be determined) of the planes is provided. Leading Edge has gone the extra mile for builders in this scale by providing not only the wing tips, but also the de-icer boots as decals. Of course, you can always paint these items on if you wish, but it is nice that they are provided as decals. Also included are window, windscreen and door decals. In all a very comprehensive set of decals.
Now on to what is on the sheet. First up is Pacific Western Airlines. These are DC-3s and two liveries are provided. Now I know zilch about Canadian air lines so I'm going to assume the the one at the top of the page is the more modern while the one at the bottom is the earlier scheme. As I mentioned before, you have the option of painting on the large red areas or using decals.
Next up is a very nice yellow and black DC-3 from Queen
Charlotte Airlines.
The Northwest Territorial plane is a C-47 and you'll note that it is missing the tail cone. Again, you have the option of painting the fin or using the supplied decals.
The final scheme is Air North in its fetching Chrome Yellow and Green livery. Again, you can paint or use decals. The instructions show you exactly where to apply the demarcation lines on this and other schemes. The scan of the decal sheet is darker than the norm to bring out the white markings so what seems to be black for the Air North markings is actually dark green.
A really outstanding decal sheet. Whenever I think that Leading Edge can't outdo a previous set, they come up with one like this. It is sure to sell out fast so I recommend putting in an order at the earliest opportunity!
Review sheet courtesy Leading Edge Decals. Thanks for your support. If you cannot find these at your local hobby shop, contact them direct at the link above.
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