KommanDeur Fw-190 JG 26, Low Numbers
Sheet 4701FW / 7201FW. $10.00
KommanDeur has established a niche for itself by providing the enthusiast with short run, high quality decal sheets. Most of thier concentration has been on late war Fw-190D aircraft in 1/48.
This sheet continues the Fw-190 theme, but includes a couple of A models. In addition, it is available in 1/72 scale for the smaller scale modeler.
As with other KommanDeur sheets, each subject is well researched and includes a bilbliography as well as a superb color profile of each aircraft, as one can see. The back side of the sheet (not shown) gives upper and lower views for each aircraft to assist in decal placement.
Now on to the subjects covered.
Aircraft Blue 6 is an Fw-190A-8 of 8/JG 26. It is in 74/75/76 with 83 overpaint. While barely visible in this scan, there is a white 5 on one side of the rudder and a white 7 on the other.
Brown 5 is another A-8, this time from 7/JG 26. It is in 74/75/76 and carries a lightweight drop tank.
Brown 4 is a 190D-9 from 7/JG 26 with a Ta-152 tail; one of three D-9s known to be so fitted. Color is a real mismash with the engine cover in 81, fuselage in 82/84 (A note on RLM 84: there is some doubt if this greenish-blue color really reecieved it's own RLM number or was just a field mix), tail in 76/81 upper surfaces in 83/75. On the rear is the black and white Reich Defence band. A very colorful aircraft for the period and one that shows the dispersed component construction that was so common in the last years of the war. As can be seen by the sheet on the left, there are several styles of '4' to chose from as this information is provisional.
Finally, Black 3 of 6/JG 26, shot down on 9 Feb '45, is in a basic 83/75 upper with 76 lower and a lot of fuselage mottle with some 81 around the tail (another common feature of late war 190Ds). This aircraft also carries the JG26 Reich Defence band.
The sheet comes with enough stenciling to do one aircraft, although to be honest, late war 190Ds had very little applied and those can be obtained from the kit decals if more than one version is done from the sheet.
The white markings do not show on this scan, but do on the real sheet which is a light blue and not white.
From past experience, KommanDeur decals work with all setting solutions and are superbly printed. I have never seen a sheet out of register. Highly recommended.
Just in!! Kommandeur also offers a Ta-152 tail for those wishing to do brown
4. It is $5.00 ppd in US and Canada; $6.00 ppd everywhere else
Review by Scott Van Aken
To find out more about KommanDeur, visit their website, or e-mail them.
KommanDeur Decal sheets can be obtained direct by writing to them
KommanDeur, PO Box 4083, Oceanside, CA 92052-4083, USA
Decal sheet price is $10.00 postpaid in the US and Canada: cash, check or
money order.
Overseas is $11.00 postpaid but KommanDeur will only accept
IMO's for overseas orders.
Thanks to KommanDeur for providing the reviewed decal sheet.