FRROM Decals FR0X23: Potez 25 - Lorraine South America

Units: See review




Scott Van Aken

So widespread was the use of the Potez 25 in the interwar period, that it was used by civil operators as well. This sheet provides options for at least three different aircraft operated by either Air France or the postal services of several South American countries. The first option coded R-AJUR was operated in Argentina. The other two with standard French registration were operated in Chile. All of these planes operated in the late 1930s, a time when their military usefulness was waning.

The kit for these is the Special Hobby version so you can get the 'big belly' part. The instructions tell you what other modifications might be needed to properly represent the aircraft in question.

 Decals are nicely printed by Fantasy Workshop and are crisply done.

Thanks to for the review sheets.

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