FCM 48022: P-40 Warhawk (1)
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Most Allied nations during WWII flew the P-40 Warhawk in some version or another.
While not the best around at the time, it was good enough and performed well once tactics had been developed to fight the current enemy.One of those nations was Brazil and while they did not take the plane into combat, they had a considerable number of them guarding facilities at home and training pilots. So it is natural that FCM, a Brazilian decal company, would produce a sheet that has P-40s in it.
This particular sheet has seven markings options. Two of these are the early P-40B/C in pre war livery. One is from the 33rd Pursuit Squadron with a red spinner and wheel hubs. The other is from the 55th Pursuit squadron and has white wheel hubs and spinner. Both are from 1941.
is a P-40K from the 25th FS based at Assam India with a blue spinner and the
upper surfaces in dark sea grey. Even in 1944, this plane carries the early war
With the same insignia from 1943 in New Guinea is a 7th FS plane in the standard camo. This one has a white tail section and a light blue and white spinner. Even though the instructions show the horizontal stabs in white on the top and the bottom, often the bottom was not painted white.
A white spinner and forward cowling is the mark of a 33rd FG plane in British camo based in Baltimore, MD during early 1942. This plane also has white wheel covers.
Finally, we have two Brazilian offerings. One is not shown but is camouflaged the same as the 33rd FG plane. This P-40E has a large sharkmouth and was based at Natal in 1942. The other is a later P-40M, also based at Natal, but in 1943. It also sports a shark mouth
The decals are superbly printed by Microscale. You have sufficient insignia for two US and the Brazilian planes. There are enough stencils for two planes and FCM includes a complete stencil diagram for this. I have a feeling this is a reprint as they recommend Mauve, Hobbycraft, AMT, and Trumpeter kits. Hasegawa has produced all the later variants and of course, Airfix has the newest early P-40 on the market. Since none of the markings are really kit specific, you can use whatever you have at hand. I feel most will go with the Airfix and Hasegawa offerings as they are the best available at this time.
If you are a P-40 fan (and I know I am), you'll want to pick this one up.
There are a number of places that sell FCM decals, so check the web for your nearest dealer.
November 2018
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Thanks to FCM for providing the review decals.
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