
Eagle Strike 48-047/8/9 US ID Letters/Numbers

Units: Various


$12.00 MSRP ($9.00 at North American Hobbies )


Scott Van Aken


In my many decades of model building, one of the most useful decal sheets I've ever used have been Letter/Number sheets. They have enabled me to build models of planes from pictures I've seen in books. While the unit markings may have been the same, the ability to change the serial numbers and other individual aircraft identifying markings have allowed my particular model to be truly unique from those that go with what is on the decal sheet. They have also been immensely useful when doing old vacuform and resin kits that don't come with decals!

For many years, sheets like this have been quite difficult to locate. I know that my stock of sheets like this have been severely depleted over the years and efforts to find them have been frustrating at best. Well, thanks to Eagle Strike, we now have a chance to stock up on the three most common colors for US 45 degree Letter/Number sheets. In order to more appropriately show what's on the sheet, I've just shown the one in black, but there are others in white and yellow as well. These are by far the most commonly used ones and are perfect for just about any US aircraft from 1940 until the present. Though they are listed as 1/48 scale, many of the letter/numbers would be appropriate for 1/72 as well, especially if one is doing larger aircraft.

You'll notice that in addition to being in multiple sizes, there are several variations on the number '2' and extra 'I' (or '1') decals have been provided, which is a nice touch for I find them to be rather heavily used! One does get both sheets in the set. Just to keep the record straight, set 48-047 is white, 48-048 is black and 48-049 is yellow. If you think you'll have a use for any of these sets (and I'd be surprised if you didn't), then I highly recommend grabbing them while you can for they are sure to sell out quickly.

Review sheet courtesy North American Hobbies, where you can get everything from 20-30% below retail.

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