Sheet: |
EagleCals 4809: FW-190A-8 |
Units: | JG 5 |
Price |
$ |
Reviewer: |
JG 5 was a unit that saw quite a bit of action, but due to the nature of the environment, it wasn't as intense as that seen over Western Europe. It was also a unit that flew a variety of types and it wasn't until a bit later than others that it got the FW-190. What makes this sheet unusual is that three of the four subjects are all from the same staffel. All of them are painted in standard colors of RLM 74/75/76 with varying amounts of mottling on the fuselage sides, and all of them are FW-190A-8 variants. Makes things a bit brief for the write up!. The decal sheet carries enough common markings to do one of the four planes, though there are swastikas enough for all subjects.
Blue 13 is from 12./JG 5 and has that staffel's color on the spinner and cowling armor plate. It also has a yellow section under the cowling. The fuselage is heavily mottled in the upper surface colors.
Blue 9, also
from 12./JG 5 is a cleaner plane with minimal mottling and a white rudder. It
also has staffel colors in the same locations as the plane above.
The third 12./JG 5 plane is Blue 8. LIke the first plane it has a yellow section under the cowling, but not a blue spinner. the exhaust section has been painted black.
Finally from 9./JG 5 is White 10. It has the Reich Defense band on the aft fuselage and a while cowling armor section. It also carries the yellow section under the cowling. You'll notice that it does not have the ETC 501 rack under the fusealge.
There is no recommended kit, but any 1/48 Fw-190A-8 should do. Most will undoubtedly go for the Dragon version, which has become a bit difficult to find as of late.
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