DRAW decals 44s-C130-11H: C-130H




Scott Van Aken

Draw Decal offered both a kit and sheet for $27.50, which saves a few dollars over purchasing them separately. I bought two combos and this one has decals for a 934th Air Wing C-130H based in Minnesota. A possible issue is that the only kit available with this combo is a C-130A/E/J and not their C-130H. I haven't dug into things fully, but I do know that the right side sponson is longer than the left so it will be interesting to see if that item is included in the parts mix.

The set offers a variety of different tail presentations and serial numbers for three aircraft. All of them are in overall FS 36173 AMC grey so will be fairly easy to paint. The sheet provides wing walk markings as well as decals for all the windows, which I can appreciate. Draw Decal basically prints on demand and as such their sheets have a single carrier. This means each marking will need to be cut out and trimmed prior to installation. DD's website states that these decals are stronger and less prone to scratching than their previous sheets. It also states that the decal should only be in the water for a few seconds as letting it float off the backing will cause it to curl up into an unusable blob. I have used these decals before and found them to be quite good. No strong setting solution is required and DD recommends Microsol as the strongest to be used on these.

In all, this is a nice sheet and will provide a nice scheme for your kit.

February 2025

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Thanks to me for the review sheet.

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