SHEET: | Delta Decals 72-014: Brits in the Far East |
FOR: | All sorts of aircraft |
PRICE: | £6.50 |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
I fully realize that Delta Decals is not a house-hold name
to many of you, but those of you who have sampled some of their offerings
over the last few years have probably been quite pleased with what is
provided. This sheet is for South East Asia RAF types; mostly in the last
years of the war. It was during this period that the SEAC roundel was in
use. This roundel removed the red (to prevent confusion from the Japanese
Hinomaru), enlarged the blue area and in some cases, replaced the white
portion with a lighter blue.
On this sheet are markings for ten different aircraft. I've
shown just a few from their instruction sheet.
In no particular order, other than what is on the instruction sheet are:
Sunderland III - 230 Sq
Hellcat FR.II - 888 NAS in a 'home brew' blue
Kingfisher I
Wildcat V - 890 NAS
Swordfish II - RNAS Katukurnda
Lysander IIIA - 357 Sq
Thunderbolt II - 81 Sq
Mosquito PR.34 - 684 Sq
Mosquito FB.VI - 45 Sq
Harvard II - 45 Sq
The instructions are in full color and provide recommended kits for each of the options. These are generally the newest kits available (Hasegawa/Tamiya/Academy) but no reason these wouldn't work on the older ones (Airfix/Heller/Revell).
Decals themselves are superbly printed by Wessex Transfers (sounds like a bus line), and should work very well on your next model. Do something different and give these a try.
October 2005
My thanks to Delta Decal for the review sheet. If you can not find these locally, check their web site for more information on ordering direct.
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