Cutting Edge 48275: Westland Wyvern |
$9.99 |
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This is the
first aftermarket sheet I know about that has been done for the Westland
Wyvern. It was brought out to complement the recent Classic Airframes 1/48
Wyvern, but I bet it will also work on the Dynavector multi-media kit, for
those of you who have this one in your stash. All the aircraft are painted
in Extra Dark Sea Grey over Sky. The instructions include a number of
interesting bits of information about the Wyvern such as the camera windows
being normally covered by a metal plate except when going on a recce
mission. The sheet includes Suez Stripes for those aircraft so painted. No
roundels are included as you can get those from the kit you are using. The
instructions state that there is a mask included for the anti-glare panel,
however, mine has gone missing and was not included in the bag.
The first
aircraft is from 813 Sq aboard the HMS Eagle in 1957. This one has a red
spinner with a white tip and a caricature on the fuselage.
From 831 Sq aboard the HMS Ark Royal in 1956 is the next aircraft with a red spinner and artwork on the nose.
Finally, the Suez aircraft from 830 Sq in late 1956. This one has a red spinner and red stab plates. The stripes cover the serial and the aircraft number (which was carried on the rear fuselage).
A fine sheet and one that will provide more options for your Wyvern.
March 2005
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