Sheet: |
Cutting Edge 48-164: FW-190F-8 |
Units: | Various |
Price |
$ |
Reviewer: |
This sheet is entitled "Over Czech Territory #1". It could just as easily been called 'FW-190F-8s from SG-10' as all of the planes on this sheet are from that unit. For kits, you have a couple of choices. One is the Tamiya Fw-190F-8, and the other is the Hasegawa/Dragon version that was a special boxing by Hasegawa. Perhaps Dragon did it as a separate kit, but I've not seen it.
If I might do a bit of a whine, Cutting Edge is one of those places that doesn't come right out and tell you what all the colors are for the aircraft. Instead they have a row of colors on the bottom of the sheet. While a few of the more obscure items are indicated, it is up to the modeler to match things up. Personally, I'd rather have everything spelled out for me on the profiles. In CE's defense, I will say that much of this info is provide in the separate aircraft notes sheet that is included.
The first plane
is from Stab./SG 10. It has the yellow 'v' under the port wing as well as the
usual yellow nose ring and rudder. The nose ring on this one is wider than all
the others. It also has no lower gear doors. Like the other three planes, it has
two ETC 50 racks under each wing. Upper colors appear to be RLM RLM 81/83 with
RLM 76 lower surfaces. Just FYI, a rather large number of late war FW-190s had
large sections of bare metal on the undersurfaces.
Next is a 7./SG 10 plane in what appears to be RLM 74/75/76, though it is hard to tell from the profile.
Also in these colors is Black 2. It has a very light tail section which could be one of the many shades of RLM 76 identified as 'RLM 84'. It also has the old unit markings overpainted in RLM 02. The cowl ring is in RLM 83/76. This aircraft does not have the yellow 'V' under the port wing as do all the others.
Finally a plane painted in what is shown as RLM 70 or 71 and RLM 74. Again, the tail section is a very light RLM 76. As with the previous plane, it has a white swastika that almost blends in with the underlying paint.
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