Cutting Edge 32-059: Bf-109G-10 part 1 |
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This is the
first of two decals sheets for the Hasegawa 1/32 Bf-109G-10. What makes
these sheets a bit different is that they also include markings for
aircraft which used the 'type 110' engine cowling. You see, the later 109s
used a more streamlined engine cowling than what was on the standard G-6 or
G-14. These cowlings eliminated the 'bumps' over the cowl guns.
There are two main types, the 'type 100' and 'type 110'. These names were applied by an early researcher and I don't believe that you'll find them in records of the time. The main difference between the two is how the 'smoothing plate' on the left side of the aircraft is done. On the type 100 (which is the most common) it sweeps up from the firewall to just under the cockpit section. On the type 110,it is more of a flat plate.
From what
I can judge, it seems as if most of the type 110 cowlings used on the
Bf-109G-10 were used on those early planes powered by the DB 605A/AS
engine. These differed from the normal DB 605D engines in that they did not
require the larger oil cooler and cooler lines of the 605D powered planes.
As a result, there are no small 'bumps' on the lower forward cowling. Not
that many G-10s were powered by the AS engines as these engines were used
as a stop-gap until more 605Ds were available. It is one of the
indications of an AS engined plane that it has the newer cowling without
the 'bumps'. Got it?
OK, now this sheet has three planes on it, one with the type 100 cowling and two with the type 110. CE did this as they have a neat type 110 conversion set which will use those schemes.
First is the type 110 cowled aircraft from JG 300. It has a replacement cowling in RLM 75 with the rest of the airframe in either RLM 81 or 83. It has a blue white blue Reich Defense band provided as a decal.
Next is a type 100 cowled plane from 2./JG 300 in the standard RLM 75/83 uppers and a red Reich Defense band.
Finally another type 110 cowled G-10 from JG 52. This one is also in RLM 81 or 83 uppers with the usual RLM 76 underside.
Since the two darker planes were obviously over-painted in the field, CE has provided stencils that have an RLM 76 background to them as the crews would have taped over these prior to repainting. Since the full serials are unknown on some of these, additional numbers are supplied so that you can do your best guess!
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