Cutting Edge 24005: Bf-109G-6 |
$16.99 |
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This sheet
is a bit unusual in that it covers just one aircraft, the plane of Herman
Graf. This is probably one of the more brilliantly painted planes from the
Jagdwaffe and Graf carried his colors on to other aircraft that he flew. In
this case the plane was assigned to JGr 50 for the defense of Germany in
1943. The plane is in RLM 74/75/76 with side mottling in RLM 74/75. The
aircraft also carries a completely white empennage. Lower cowling is yellow
with a red spinner. The 'tulip' design on the nose is comprised of three
colors; white, yellow and red. The fuselage number could be in green or red
so both colors are provided.
What takes up most of the unique sheet are the three colors for the nose markings. These must be carefully placed in the proper order so that they will turn out well. The other sheet in this set is for common markings and insignia. CE provides all possible combinations of insignia types on this sheet and there are more than enough to do a single aircraft such as this. The end result will be a very colorful 109G-6!
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