Caracal Models CD 48237: F-16C & A-10C USAF Demo Jets

Units: See review




Scott Van Aken


It has been quite a while since I've had the opportunity to review new Caracal Models sheets, so I was pleasantly surprised to see this one in the mail box. This one covers two special scheme demo aircraft.

First one is an F-16C from the 20th FW based at Shaw AFB. It is in the markings of the prototype YF-16. When it comes to kits, you can use pretty much any Block 50 F-16C from those who do kits. Most with lean towards either Tamiya or Kinetic for this. The thin black stripes are for the leading edge of the flying surfaces. This scheme will require some careful masking.

The second is an A-10C from the 355 FW at Davis-Mothnan AFB. It commemorates the F-105s flown during the Vietnam war. Though it looks like a standard SEA camouflage scheme, the instructions state that FS 34092 is used in place of the darker 34079. I'm not sure who does the best A-10 in this scale, but you need one with the most recent antennas.

August 2014

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