Caracal Models CD 48178: B-57 Canberra

Units: See review




Scott Van Aken

There are not many non-US designed aircraft that have been widely used by the United States.  While there have probably been more, I can only think of three and they are all British; the DH-4, the Harrier, and the Canberra. In order to meet US requirements, the Martin Company, who built the plane under license, modified the cockpit for fore and aft seating rather than the side by side blister canopy version used by the British. While these panes did not stay in service quite as long as those in the RAF, they did provide a needed medium bomber capability that was used fairly extensively in Vietnam.

A fair number were provided to the South Vietnamese Air Forc and after the war, most were used as 'spoof' aircraft with DSE squadrons. You will notice a variety of camouflage schemes with half the options serving with the Vermont ANG. These are all standard fit planes and those who want to add the specialty antennas will have to do some research.  This sheet covers six different options with enough common markings for two aircraft. The recommended kit is by Airfix, but I'll bet you can use these on the Classic Airframes kit as well if you have one.

This is what is included: 

EB-57E 55-4242, 17th DSES, Malmstrom AFB (1976 Bicentennial markings)

EB-57B 52-1506, 4577th DSEG

EB-57B 52-1509, Vermont ANG

RB-57C 53-3831, Vermont ANG

EB-57C 53-3840, Vermont ANG

WB-57C 53-3851, 58th WRS, Kirtland AFB

The markings are printed by Microscale so are a known high quality.

October 2020

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