Caracal Models CD 48156: Dassault Rafale

Units: See review




Scott Van Aken

This next new sheet from Caracal Models is dedicated to the Dassault Rafale. This is France's replacement for the Mirage in French air force service and the F-8 in French naval service. Not surprisingly, the navy got the first planes.

The type has seen a fair amount of export success and that is what is on this sheet. You can do both single seat and two seat aircraft with this set. The recommended kit is the one by Revell, which by all accounts is very nice.

There are a total of nine options covering three nations. The markings on the side of the Egyptian planes reads 'Long Live Egypt'.

Dassault Rafale EQ QA210, Qatar Emiri Air Force, 2019

Dassault Rafale EQ QA218, Qatar Emiri Air Force, 2019

Dassault Rafale EQ QA220, Qatar Emiri Air Force, 2019

Dassault Rafale DQ QA204, Qatar Emiri Air Force, 2019

Dassault Rafale EM 9357, Egyptian Air Force, 2019

Dassault Rafale DM 9252, Egyptian Air Force, 2019

Dassault Rafale E BS001, Indian Air Force, 2020

Dassault Rafale D RB001, Indian Air Force, 2020

Dassault Rafale D RB002, Indian Air Force, 2020

The decals are printed by Cartograf and you are provided a full markings guide as well as a stencil placement guide. Something a bit different from the norm that you might want to consider. The markings are sized for the Trumpeter kit.

April 2020

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