Caracal Models CD 48126: U-2S/TR-1A & ER-2
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$13.99 |
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The U-2
has fascinated modelers for a long time and thanks to Italeri, there is a nice
model of it in 1/48 scale. This particular sheet provided markings for a dozen
of the newer aircraft. For those who are not aware, the airframes for the U-2S,
TR-1, and ER-2 are the same. In fact, the U-2S is simply what the TR-1 was
redesignated after the end of the last Cold War.
None of the airplanes on this sheet are shown with the large upper antenna, but since most of the options in the instructions show only the fin, that doesn't mean the plane you choose did not have it so check photo references.
It is nice
to see the NASA ER-2s on this sheet as their markings with the blue and gold
trimmed stripes are particularly nice looking. I have never understood why there
are no insignia on the USAF planes, but perhaps it has to do with radar
reflection or something.
Here is what is on the sheet. Some of these have fin art work.
U-2S 68-10337, USAF 9th RW, Beale AFB - 2015
U-2S 80-1069, USAF 9th RW, Beale AFB - 2012
U-2S 68-10329, USAF 9th RW, Beale AFB - 2012
TU-2S 80-1078, USAF 9th RW, Beale AFB - 2013
U-2S 80-1092, USAF 9th RW, Osan AB - 2016
U-2S 68-10336, USAF 9th RW, Warner-Robins AFB - 2005
TR-1A 80-1074, USAF 17th RW, RAF Alconbury - 1992 (with tail art)
TR-1A 80-1087, USAF 17th RW, RAF Alconbury - 1991 (with tail art)
TR-1A 80-1071, USAF 9th RW, Beale AFB - 1993 (with tail art
TR-1A 80-1099, USAF 17th RW, RAF Alconbury - 1991 (with tail art)
ER-2 "809", NASA, Armstrong Flight Research Center markings
ER-2 "809", NASA, Dryden Flight Research Center markings
The decals are nicely printed by Cartograf and there is more info on each option on the Caracal web site.
November 2017
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