Caracal Models CD 48119: USAF T-33A
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More great
T-33A offerings for the 1/48 modeler, this one designed for the recent GWH kit.
Will these markings fit the Testors/Hawk or
kit? Well, they are not designed for it, but I'd give it go as they won't be all
that far off. So we have five options on this sheet. Most of them are painted
with ADC Grey FS 16473, with three in overall grey.
No dates are provided for these aircraft, but I'm willing to bet that few of them are early T-33s. Later aircraft have an additional antenna on the nose as well as small intakes on the gun bay covers and the pitot tubes on the side of the nose, so it is best to locate photos of these aircraft if you are that concerned.
First up is from the 318 FIS based at McChord AFB. I have found a photo of this one from 1987. Note that not only does this have the NACA duct on the gun bay cover, but also has some additional vents behind it, which you can see just between the F and O in FORCE.
Next is from Tyndall AFB with the 95th FITS.
With a white upper fuselage and tip tanks is a 48 FIS aircraft. While earlier planes had ADC Grey stabs, the later scheme as provided on this sheet had these items in white. Note that this aircraft from 1985, while not the same serial as the plane on the sheet, is a late T-33.
Next up is one that is definitely an early plane from the 81st TFW in either unpainted metal or overall aluminum paint.
Finally, one with the Vermont ANG. Note that having the inside half of the tip tanks painted black is the norm.
The sheet is superbly printed and provides common stuff for one plane. You can easily glean what you need for additional options from the kit sheet. Note that Caracal provides the long blue fuselage stripe for the 48 FIS plane, so no worries in having to find one. Wing walk areas are also provided.
Now I know that GWH is planning on a later T-33 with all the mods so for those planes that require it, it might be a good ideal to wait for that release. One thing for sure, if you want to use any of the markings on this sheet, it would behoove you to pick this one up when you can as Caracal decals can sell out very quickly.
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