Caracal Models CD 48074: Fighters of Austin
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The 704th
Tactical Fighter Squadron was a unit in the USAF Reserves that flew the F-4D/E
for ten years, from 1981 until 1991. It then converted to the F-16C and was
inactivated in 1996 when Bergstrom AFB was closed. The TX tail code then
switched to the 457th FS based at Carswell for use on their F-16Cs.
Caracal Models has chosen to do a sheet for the 704th during the time they flew fighter aircraft, which was from 1981 until the unit was disbanded in 1996. Most of these planes are in two shades of grey.
First up are the F-4Ds which they flew from 1981 until 1989. In 1986 they attended an air competition and so came up with their unique two tone grey scheme. Two of the options are in this two grey's scheme. These planes have the 'herpes' antenna bumps. The third F-4D option is in the SEA wraparound scheme.
Next, we
have F-4Es which the unit flew for two years, from 1989 until early 1991. All of
these planes are in a similar scheme to the F-4Ds with one of the options being
marked as the group commander's plane.
Finally, there are two F-16s on the sheet. These planes were flown for five years from 1991 until the unit went away in 1996. One of the two options is the squadron commander's plane. Interestingly, these identical markings are on the 457th aircraft though the word 'Outlaws' is gone from the lower fine with a 'Fort Worth' emblem above the tail code.
There are notes as to what differences there might be between planes in terms of antennas and other equipment.
The set includes full color painting and markings guide and there are enough common markings included to do one of each aircraft type, though you'll need to hit up the kit sheet for most of the tiny stencils. There is no kit suggested which is fine as the markings are not kit specific.
January 2015
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