Caracal Models CD 48051: International T-38s (NATO)
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$14.99 which includes US shipping |
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The T-38
is not only used by the USAF, but it is also a popular plane with other nations.
Three NATO countries have bought T-38s. Germany keeps theirs in the US and in
American markings, having them operated by the 80th FTS. Portugal bought theirs
new and the other NATO country that operates the type is Turkey. The Turkish
planes are all undergoing a major modification to make them T-38Ms and this
consists of basically the same upgrades used to produce the T-38C in the US. In
other words, it is an
upgrade that includes a more modern 'glass' cockpit.
Caracal Models has produced a sheet that provides seven markings options. The first four are all Turkish. Two of them are the in the standard all white scheme. One is from 2004 and the other is from 2012. Both are with the 121 Filo, as are the other two options.
The third is another standard T-38A, but in experimental paint for the T-38M modernization program. I have included a photo of this plane for you.
The fourth is a T-38M in what I am assuming is going to be the standard scheme for these upgraded planes. While the decal sheet provides the large 'swoop' marking for this scheme, the other red and black areas on this and the previous scheme will need to be painted by the modeler.
Next are three Portuguese planes, which are pretty much identical except for different serial numbers. All were operated with Esq 103 in the 1990s. It may well be that these planes are no longer in service, as Portugal started getting the Epsilon about the same time.
The sheet is superbly done and provides stencils and insignia markings sufficient for one each Turkish and Portuguese aircraft. The rather odd looking wing walk markings is for a Portuguese plane and allows room for the large wing serial number. for one aircraft. This sheet is printed by Cartograf so you know you are getting the best. Instructions are in full color and include information on each aircraft. As usual, I have darkened the sheet so that the white markings are more easily seen.
Caracal Models states that the sheet is designed for the Wolfpak kit, but there is no reason why it would not also fit the Sword or even the slightly larger Trumpeter kit.
June 2014
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