Berna Decals 48-70: Mirage F.1 & Mirage 2000 codes
Units: | See review |
Price |
$12.00 or so |
Reviewer: |
particular sheet is for the code and serial numbers on the Mirage F.1 and Mirage
2000C. It includes not only the earlier squadron numbers, but also the later
base numbers when the French Air Force decided to make the change. It includes
all of the unit numbers in various styles as needed along with a variety of
styles of aircraft nunbers and serial numbers.
Though it is designed for the two types, it can also be used for other 1/48 French planes of a similar time period and if you do a bit of cut and pasting, can do a number of other units as well. Probably not for every modeler, but if you like to model post WWII French aircraft, then this may well be a sheet you will find useful.
January 2022
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