BarracudaCast BR 32357: FW-190A-1 thru A-6 wheels

For: Any 1/32 Fw-190A-1/5 and some A-6


$9.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

BarracudaCast offers a nice set of wheels for the spate of early FW-190s that have recently reached the market. These wheels have circular holes on one side of the hub and are what was used on all the FW-190A-1 through A-5 aircraft. Early A-6 variants also used them. The circular inserts are separately molded making it easier to paint the wheel. One simply drills out the back of the wheels to match your particular kit's axle. These wheels carried ribbed tires. The molding on these is world class and you are provided full instructions. Well worth picking up.

January 2019

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