BarracudaCast BR 24413: F6F Hellcat Cross Tread Wheels

For: Airfix 1/24 Kit


$13.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Some like their kits big and when you so inspired, the Airfix 1/24 Hellcat will fill the bill. However, you may want to spiffy things up a bit and this set of cross tread tire/wheel set will very much enhance you finished product. This design is a bit more unusual than the normal one. The set includes a pair of wheels that has a ton of detail that is normally hidden on the inside. Outer wheel halves are provided to give a peek to this area.

The parts are easy to remove from the sprues and cleaning out the holes in the covers is a piece of cake. To ensure that you do things right, a set of full color instructions are provided. Well worth picking up if you are going to put all the effort into this big 'cat'. In addition, these would easily fit an F4U if anyone did one in this scale.

March 2020

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