BarracudaCals S48001: Lightning Stencils - Black
Units: | All |
Price |
$7.95 MSRP |
Reviewer: |
their first set of stencil decals, BarracudaCals has chosen to concentrate their
efforts on the very nice Airfix 1/48 Lightning. This sheet is keyed to the
instruction sheet for the F.1/F.1A/F.2/F.3 kit. Eac
h of the markings has the
identical decal number as you'll find in those instructions. Not to say you,
can't use these on the later F.6 kit, but you'll need the instructions from the
earlier version to use it. You'll note that this sheet also includes instrument
panel and console decals if you wish to use those. Also applicable to the
Aeroclub vacuform kit if you should so desire.
The decals are superbly printed and should react quite well to various setting solutions. So toss out those thick and fuzzy kit stencils and grab a set of these for your next project.
My thanks to BarracudaCals for the review set. E-mail them at for more information and to order your set.
January 2009
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