Balkan Models BM-7203: Roundels and Flags
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Jugoslav Air Force |
are always times when one just needs a set of insignia and fin flashes when
building a model. Back in the 'olden days', this was the major way that most of
us were able to build the aircraft of other than the major air forces.
Models has produced a superbly printed sheet that contains insignia in three
sizes and fin flashes or flags in two. These will take care of just about any
application. You get roundels in 500, 750 and 1000 millimeters and fin flashes
in 450 and 900 millimeters. The stars for the fin flashes are separate to allow
the proper length to be used.
The instruction sheet contains a listing of which aircraft would be using which size of insignia and fin flash. Add this with the other new sheet, BM-7204, and you have what is needed for pretty much any post WWII aircraft.
Thanks to Balkan Models for the review sheet. Ask your local shop to get this one for you when it is available or visit the link.
May 2011
If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.