Aviaeology AOD72019: Eagle Squadron Spitfire Vc
CDN$13.99 |
See review |
Scott Van Aken |
Also available in 1/48 for $17.79 |
WWII got going, there were a number of Americans who wanted to fight the
Germans. Though it was against the law as the US was neutral at the time, a
considerable number of men made their way to Canada for training and then on to
the UK where the numbers were such that they were able to eventually form three
squadrons composed of mostly US pilots. These were the Eagle Squadrons. when the
US entered the war, many of these pilots transferred to the USAAF and the Eagle
Squadrons became the 4th Fighter Wing, flying Spitfires until reequpping with
new sheet from Aviaeology provides markings for ten Spitfire Vc aircraft from
the three squadrons and are superbly printed. These planes carried a variety of
insignia and you have a lot of options, though you can only do one plane.
However, since most Spitfire kits come with nice decals, you can use parts of
those to do at least one other plane.
The impetus for this sheet was the three very nice RAF-in-Combat books by Phil Listeman that have been reviewed here in MM and are readily available on Amazon. Aviaeology's instructions provide additional information on each option such as the prop used, the type of exhaust and the windscreen fitted to each option. There are a variety of kits out there for this sheet so finding something to use should not be difficult. You probably have at least one in your stash already.
Very much worth picking up.
October 2018
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My thanks to www.aviaeology.com for the review sheet. You can get yours direct at this link.
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