HSB 32003: YF-110/MiG-21F-13
PRICE: | 40 Koruna SRP |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | S |
In the
1970s and 1980s, the United States was ableo to obtain a variety of then-Soviet
fighters. Based at Tonapah, Nevada, these aircraft were used to provide
adversary training to active duty US fighter units. Since it was important to
not allow the Soviets to know the US had these, they were hidden when Soviet spy
satellites would be overhead or seen from airliners. They were also fairly
difficult to maintain as spares were not readily available. To add to their
anonymity, they were given fake USAF designations. In the case of the MiG-21F-13
(which was probably obtained from the Israelis), it was called the YF-110B. The
only markings this plane carried were serial number on the fin and US insignia
on the forward fuselage. The aircraft was left unpainted.
This sheet
is from www.hobbyshop.cz and is not big,
but then it is not expensive either. The sheet and others in this series are
'print on demand' type of markings. This means that the sheet has a single
carrier and individual markings need to be cut out prior to use. According to
the instructions, you can use standard setting solutions on these if needed, but
it would be wise to use the weakest first. These are similar to ALPS printed but are not as fragile.
The decals are quite nicely printed and you get full color markings placement along with them. I am going to assume that the kit you want is from Trumpeter as I don't know of anyone else who does this variant in 1/32 Scale.
May 2019
Copyright ModelingMadness.com. All rights reserved.
Thanks to www.hobbyshop.cz for the review sheet. You can get yours at this link.
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