APC Decals R72068:  Bristol Blenheim I

UNITS: Three aircraft
PRICE: 74.38 Kč
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Replacement decals for the Frog kit

There are times when we want to build a classic kit, but for various reasons, we discover that the kit decals are toast or incorrect in some way or another. This is another of APC Decals' nice replacement set (hence the 'r' in the sheet number).

This particular set is for the Frog kit. For many years, Frog was the only way to get an injected Blenheim I in this scale and the kit was reboxed many times by the usual subjects. The kit provided markings for a Finnish, British and Romanian aircraft, and those are reproduced on this sheet. Not only are APC decals inexpensive, but they are well done. These decals are printed with a single carrier so the builder will need to cut out each separate marking, a small price to pay for getting good decals. These do not come with instructions. Use the kit placement guide. Of course, these can also be used on the newer Airfix kit if you so desire.

I have used APC's decals in the past and can recommend them for clarity and opacity.

March 2025

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Thanks to www.hobbyshop.cz for the review sheet. You can get yours at this link.

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