AOA Decals 72-006: Gunships - Raining Fire (1)
Units: | See review |
Price |
$15.50 (free US shipping) |
Reviewer: |
AOA Decals provides us with a type that has seen very little decal production. In this case it is the AC-119G/K. Though not really as successful as the AC-47 and AC-130, it provided good service and was an important stepping stone between the fairly lightly armed AC-47 and the much heavier armed AC-130.
This is the 1/72 sheet and as such we are limited to the Italeri mold. Typical of mass produced kits, it is not quite right enough to do a totally accurate model. AOA has provided us with a list of not only what has to be done to the kit, but also the differences between the G and K. Fortunately, there are some bits in the Italeri kit that are 'not for use' that help out.
119 gunships were SEA colors on the upper side with black undersides, fuselage
sides and fins. Since not that many planes were converted, there were not many
units that flew them. However, most of these planes had either names and/or nose
art to help make them distinctive.
Here is what's on the sheet:
71st SOS has three AC-119G options from 1969.
17th SOS has three AC-119G options from 1970.
18th SOS has six AC-119K options from 1969-70.
819th Attack Squadron of the South Vietnamese AF has two AC-119G options.
Finally, there is a single 821st Attach Squadron AC-119K.
The Cartograf printed sheet has sufficient insignia and data markings for two of these options. In addition to a brief history of each plane you are provided with a complete painting guide as well as a stencil placement guide. Along with the 'how to fix it' information provided, you should be able to do a great looking AC-119.
March 2018
Thanks to AOA Decals for the review sheet. You can find this sheet and images of all the options at this link.
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